A Chicken's Guide to a Total Solar Eclipse

If you are a chicken and you are wondering what to do in the rare event you are caught in the path of totality during a solar eclipse, then rest assured. You have come to the right place.

What is a solar eclipse?

A solar eclipse is a giant shadow caused when the Moon's orbit crosses paths with the Sun. The Moon gets in between the Sun and the Earth causing it to block the Sun's light and for things to go dark for a few moments on Earth.

What is the Sun?

That giant glowy thing in the sky. It comes out every day letting you know to get up and go look for food.

What is the Earth?

The thing you stand on.

What is the Moon?

Another thing in the sky. Don't worry about it. You're a chicken. You don't need to know.

When will this happen?

Monday, April 8. In the afternoon, around 3 p.m.

Got it. I will mark it on the calenda... Oh, I see a worm. Nice. I will eat it.

Wait. Don't you want to know what to do during the eclipse?

(Chewing) The what?

The solar eclipse. The thing we were talking about!

Oh, right. The eclipse. What is the Moon?

Don't worry about the Moon!

What will happen for the eclipse?

The world will go dark for a few minutes and then go back to light.

If it goes dark we go to the coop.

You don't have to go to the coop during the eclipse. It's only for a few minutes.

So don't go to the coop when it's dark?

Well, still go to the coop at night when it's dark.

Right. Go to the coop when it's dark. But also don't go to the coop when it's dark. Got it!

At night dark go to the coop. Not solar eclipse dark.

How will I know the difference?

You probably won't.

Sounds confusing. Oh, I see another worm!

The important thing is to remain calm. It will only last a few minutes. Some of the other chickens might panic and be scared. But it's really nothing that can hurt you. This event is a once in a lifetime, especially your lifetime...


Sorry. Nevermind. The point is this is a very big deal. It's a very special thing that very rarely happens. Try to enjoy it!

Will there be worms at the eclipse?

There's always worms. So, yeah, there will probably be worms. But you won't really be able to see them. Everything will be dark. Remember?

Because of the Moon?

No... Well, yeah, actually. Wow, I'm glad you understand.

Chickens are actually pretty smart animals.

I guess you're right. Sorry. I underestimate you sometimes.

No problem.

Could you do me a favor and tell the other chickens about all this?

Tell them what?

About the eclipse! Explain to them what is going to happen and to not panic.

What is an eclipse again?

Gah! Nevermind. Good luck.

Who was that guy?


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